Goodbye 2010!
Last year, I did a "The Bad, the Good" type list for the year, so I thought I'd do it again this year. I wasn't quite sure how many things actually happened this year because it was such a blur, but Sophia and I were talking and there were indeed a lot of things that happened. So here they are as best as I can remember at the moment (had a little wine to ring in the New Year): The Bad Had to replace the Element's windshield 2 times Needed laser retina surgery because I had a detached retina for the 2 nd time The Good Got a job! Photographed 3 weddings Got lots of house projects done Elected president of the Filipino American Society The Awesome Celebrated 2 years of marriage with Sophia Celebrated Cecilia's 1st birthday Watching Cecilia develop: going from being non-mobile to walking, babbling more and more, starting to eat solid foods, etc., etc.