What the Constitution REALLY Says, Pt. 1

Remember the Constitution? It's that document that created the nation I (and you) live in and it's a wonderful, divinely inspired document. Unfortunately, it has been abused and stomped on over the years and our nation presently finds itself in an identity crisis. What the USA used to stand for was true freedom as revealed in natural law. But now the USA is at the brink of becoming a socialist nation, slowly falling under ruler's law. One of the weapons liberals, socialists, and communists use to achieve this change is misinformation and ignorance . . . misinformation about what the Constitution and our founding fathers said and keeping the people ignorant of the true meaning and intentions of the Constitution and our founding fathers.

I (and I venture to guess most people) believe the founding fathers had the right idea about our nation. I believe the original intentions of the Constitution are what made (and make) this country great. And I, like so many people, forgot what the Constitution and what our founding fathers had written in creating this great nation of the USA. Well, after taking a short refresher course about the Constitution, I would like to write this short series of blog posts about what the Constitution actually says about the 3 branches of government and the powers allotted to them by the Constitution (and more importantly, we the people).

The President
Article II of the Constitution creates the Executive branch of the government and spells out the responsibilities of the president. There are only 6 areas the president is responsible for, and those are as follows:
1. Chief of state
2. Commander in chief over the military
3. Chief executive office of the executive branch of government
4. Chief diplomat in handling foreign relations
5. Chief architect for needed legislation
6. Conscience of the nation in granting pardons or reprieves where he feels justice requires them

That's it. Anything else the president does is outside the original responsibilities assigned to him by the original Constitution. So what happened? How did the president become what he is today, seeming to be able to create legislation, offices (like the Czars), and orders at will?

It was Theodore Roosevelt who said he was authorized to do anything unless the constitution specifically prohibited him from doing it. However, this is a direct violation of the 10th amendment to the Constitution, which states that "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." In other words, any powers not specifically given to the US government are reserved for the states or the people.


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