The Worst of the Best Years So Far . . .

As 2009 comes to an end, I think back on the year and a lyric from the Jonathan Coulton song "You Ruined Everything" comes to mind: "The worse of the best behind us." That's exactly how I feel about 2009, in a nutshell. 2009 has by far been the best year of my life so far and I can already see life will only get better from here.

To summarize my year, here are 2 lists (and 1 bonus list), one consisting of the bad events and one consisting of the good events in my life (for the record, since everything on the internet will be around indefinitely):

The Bad
-Laid off from my job at Design Collaborative

The Good
-Bought a house and moved in with the love of my life
-Inherited a sweetheart of a dog
-Found out Sophia was pregnant
-Found Sophia a great car
-Took and passed the Indiana professional engineering licensing test
-Had my first real photography gigs

The Awesome
-Celebrated 1 year of marriage with Sophia
-Welcomed Cecilia Rose into the world


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